#006 | December 17, 2023

How To Design A Program Application Form | Part 2

In this issue I will briefly explain Compliance Data, Data Normalization, Field Types, how to create a Form Fields List, and Custom Fields. These are essential building blocks for creating online Program Application Forms.

Compliance Data

An essential function of a Program Application Form is to capture data needed for compliance. Compliance Data is data that is required to be collected by funding and government agencies.

Create A Compliance Data List

An important first step is to make a list of all required compliance data for each program/service offered. Use the ??? Template, or a spreadsheet app like Apple Numbers, Google Sheets, or Microsoft Excel to note the name/label, field type, etc. for each piece of data the form must collect.

Some samples of Compliance Data include:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Date Of Birth
  • Gender
  • Annual Income
  • Number Of Children
  • Emergency Contact(s)

Data Normalization

Data Normalization allows data to be searched and analyzed more easily. For example, if a user entering an email address accidentally leaves out the “@“ symbol, Data Normalization using an email Field Type would catch this error and prevent that email address with the missing “@“ symbol from being entered. Data Normalization makes data appear in similar formats across all records and fields, eliminates duplicates and false entries, and enables accurate data searches.

Field types are used to “Normalize” the format of data collected by fields on a form. Data Normalization requires data for a field to be entered the same way no matter who enters it, or how many times it gets entered. For example, users can enter phone numbers in many different formats like (###) ###-####, or ###-###-####, or ##########. Using a Phone Field Type normalizes phone number data for a form by requiring all users to enter phone numbers using the same format (###-###-#### for example).

Field Types

The spaces that appear on a website form where users type to enter data like their name, email, etc. are called Fields. And there are different Field Types.

Field Types are used to collect specific kinds of data like email addresses, dates, and telephone numbers.

List Of Field Types

Here are descriptions of the most commonly used Field Types:

Text - A single-line text input field. By default, there’s no validation for this field. Any number of characters and any character types can be entered. You can optionally set a limit on how many characters or words users can enter. You can also create your own “input mask” to require a specific format for what gets entered into the field.

Text Area - The Text Area field provides a larger multi-line text input field for users to enter text. It has other features similar to the single-line text input field.

Email - The Email field allows users to only enter a valid email address (for example, name@domain.com). If a user’s input is not in a valid email address, a field validation error message appears. (Admins can write the contents of the field validation error message.)

Phone - The Phone field accepts phone numbers from users. United States and International formats are typically available.

URL - The website URL field will only accept valid website URLs. The form automatically checks if the field input is in a valid URL format (for example, https://domain.com). URL fields will automatically add http:// or https:// to the front of a URL.

Address - The Address field provides a set of labeled address subfields. This set typically includes: Address, Address 2, City, State, and Zip fields. International address format fields may also be available.

Date - The Date field allows the user to select or enter a calendar date. Depending on browser support, a date picker or a date field appears.

Checkboxes - The Checkboxes field allows users to choose multiple items from a list of options.

Radio Buttons - The Radio Buttons field allows users to choose one item from a list of options.

Select Menu (Dropdown) - The Select Menu or Dropdown field displays a list of items when users click on it. Users can select a single value or make multiple selections from a Select Menu.

File Upload - The File Upload field enables users to include files along with their form submissions. Admins can specify specific upload file types allowed.

Number - The Numbers field allows users to enter numeric values. On hover, arrows within the field appear and let users increase or decrease the number value by 1.

Hidden - The Hidden Field is not visible to users viewing a form. You can use Hidden Fields to send data to other apps. For example use a Hidden Field to send the source of a form submission (which form a submission came from) to a CRM or Email Marketing app for target/segment marketing purposes.

Repeater - A repeater field is a set of other Form Fields, that appear on a single form. The benefit is that the repeater field set can be repeated and entered multiple times by the user, within a single form submission. For example, you could use a repeater field to collect multiple contact phone numbers (home and work) with a single form submission.

Password - The Password field is used in user registration or login forms. When users enter their password, each character entered appears as dots to hide or mask the password for security purposes.

Create A Form Fields List

After listing all Compliance Fields, another important step is to make a list of all the fields that will be used on a form. Repeat this process for each form on your website. Use the free Form Fields List Template, or a spreadsheet app like Apple Numbers, Google Sheets, or Microsoft Excel to create a Form Fields List. This documentation is important because it provides a quick reference on details about the design of your website forms. A Form Fields List saves valuable time by making it easier to debug any issues and make updates to your forms.

Custom Fields

Marketing is one of the top uses of the data collected on Program Application Forms.

You must setup an automated integration that moves data entered into your Program Application Forms into a list in a CRM and/or Email Marketing app whenever someone submits a form. The first part of setting up this integration is to create matching fields in your CRM and/or Email Marketing list(s) for the data you want to collect for marketing to your Program Applicants.

Here is a list of some marketing data for nonprofits to collect using Custom Fields:
  • Which Programs/Services are you interested in?
  • Birthday
  • City, State, and Zip
  • Gender (Female or Male)
  • Marital Status
  • How many children do you have?
  • Child age(s)? (Repeater Field)
  • Child(s) School Grade? (Repeater Field)
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